Home » Nonprofit Board Governance » Policy Governance Introduction Video
What is Policy Governance?
Policy governance is a system for board governance for nonprofits. It was developed by John Carver. It is a complete system for how to conduct the board’s governance work. Because it is a comprehensive approach, it can get involved and a little confusing. The basic elements — ends policies, executive limitations policies, and performance monitoring — are simple and straightforward. It is really a common sense and logical approach.
Why the Video?
The video was created to provide a brief introduction to policy governance. It is intended only as a place to start in understanding the policy governance model and how to put it into practice. It is intended for people who are just learning about their governance role as a board member. It may also be a good review for people getting started with policy governance and want to revisit the fundamentals. The concepts here are useful even if you are not following the policy governance model.