Home » Nonprofit Board Governance » Board Measuring and Monitoring Nonprofit Results
Boards and nonprofit results
Boards have a tough job. There are many duties and responsibilities. Fundraising is often a high priority. The board’s fiduciary role can take considerable board time. Sometimes the board’s role with respect to organizational results gets neglected.
Here we explore the board’s responsibility for results and how to meet that responsibility.

measuring and monitoring performance
Getting results is a critical responsibility for any board. The board’s fundamental governance function is assuring the organization achieves the the ends expected by its owners while using acceptable means.
To do that boards must:
- Establish and define the expected what results.
- Measure and monitor performance.
- Hold the organization accountable for achieving results.
Following is a presentation on measuring and monitoring performance in nonprofits. It takes the board’s perspective which may differ in some ways from the CEO’s and their management team.
Below are four videos based on the presentation.