Home » Nonprofit Board Governance » Nonprofit ownership — who owns a nonprofit and why is ownership important?
Home » Nonprofit Board Governance » Nonprofit ownership — who owns a nonprofit and why is ownership important?
Nonprofit ownership is a concept boards can struggle with. It is commonl for a board to believe it is acting properly without having a good conceptual or operational understanding of who their owners are and what those owners expect from the organization. Identifying the owners for these organizations can be complex and some common errors can occur. Following are a few principles and ideas I pulled from various policy governance sources including the work of John Carver.
The owners for public for profit companies are easy to identify. They are the shareowners. Likewise, owners of membership non profits — credit unions for example — are also easy to identify. But many non profits exist for broader purposes with vague ideas of who the owners are. These owners are often referred to as the moral owners of the organization. They are not literally or legally owners. But they are the people whose interest the board represents.
From a practical perspective boards may need to develop an operational definition of their owners. This is necessary for the board to contact and communicate with the owners. Answering the question of who owns a non profit with “the public” is not useful when your public can be hundreds of thousands or millions of people.
The following is a suggested operational definition for a nonmember public service organization. Care needs to be taken in setting an operational definition to avoid focusing on groups who are not owners (see previous points above) or failing to separate their ownership role from other roles such as funder.
The (add organization) ownership is the broad community for the organization’s primary service area. More specifically and practically it is the people in the community interested in and concerned about the impact of (add primary problem or issue the organization is trying to solve) on the community and on affected individuals. These owners are likely to be community members who are knowledgeable about and engaged in various aspects of (the problem area) and its effects on the community and individuals.
The board should develop and execute an ongoing process for connecting with the owners. This should involve getting input from owners on important governance issues, particularly ends policies and communication to owners on how the organization is achieving its stated ends. A variety of methods can be used including interviews, surveys, and focus groups.